You're hanging out with your female cousin Are you sure she's your cousin?

You're hanging out with your female cousin Are you sure she's your cousin?  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Knows one person at the party Ends up following them around the entire night

Knows one person at the party Ends up following them around the entire night  Socially Awkward Penguin

dude says he gets 10 times the girls i will ever get laugh at him because 10 x 0 = 0

dude says he gets 10 times the girls i will ever get laugh at him because 10 x 0 = 0  Forever Alone

not sure if hot bartender wants the cock or just the tip

not sure if hot bartender wants the cock or just the tip  Futurama Fry

If you hug your Mom first when you get back from Afghanistan It means you love her more

If you hug your Mom first when you get back from Afghanistan It means you love her more  Overly Attached Girlfriend

cosmo gives bad dating advice so there are more single women to buy their magazines

cosmo gives bad dating advice
 so there are more single women to buy their magazines  Sudden Clarity Clarence

has awesome idea for Halloween costume doesn't get invited to any halloween parties

has awesome idea for Halloween costume doesn't get invited to any halloween parties  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Plays McDonald's Monopoly Luxury tax Pay $75

Plays McDonald's Monopoly Luxury tax Pay $75  Bad Luck Brian

gangnam style is just today's macarena

gangnam style
 is just today's macarena  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Helped hot girl by pretending to be her boyfriend Became her husband

Helped hot girl by pretending to be her boyfriend Became her husband  Success Kid