Buys cute girl from class coffee doesn't need coffee anymore due to adrenaline rush

Buys cute girl from class coffee doesn't need coffee anymore due to adrenaline rush  Socially Awkward Penguin

Asked girl if she has a boyfriend She says "It's up to you"

Asked girl if she has a boyfriend She says

drove by a cop at 80 mph didn't get pulled over

drove by a cop at 80 mph didn't get pulled over  Success Kid

Hears a funny joke you said when no one else was listening Repeats it when they're listening and takes credit for it

Hears a funny joke you said when no one else was listening Repeats it when they're listening and takes credit for it  Scumbag Steve

I don't always bite the inside of my mouth but when i do, i bite it in the exact same spot ten more times throughout the day

I don't always bite the inside of my mouth but when i do, i bite it in the exact same spot ten more times throughout the day  The Most Interesting Man In The World

finally receives a text "Your verizon bill is now available"

finally receives a text

Morning Wood? You mean my wife's alarm clock

Morning Wood? You mean my wife's alarm clock  overly manly man

Gets inspired to work out, study hard, and turn my life around 1 Am

Gets inspired to work out, study hard, and turn my life around 1 Am  Scumbag Brain

nicotine patches? You mean bitch stickers?

nicotine patches? You mean bitch stickers?  overly manly man

Got into argument with a girl She apologized first

Got into argument with a girl She apologized first     Success Kid